A Pull Up Academy tem como Missão criar um novo paradigma na formação de Pilotos, focando-se no desenvolvimento de competências que lhes permitirão gerir e enfrentar melhor o complexo "Mundo da Aviação” dos dias de hoje, antecipando e gerindo, de forma adequada, cenários nem sempre previstos.
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Latest Generation Aircraft
With a fleet of new aircraft, LUSOFLY Academy aims to achieve a high level of operational dispatch, thus avoiding the flight cancellations by plane.
The innovative technology and systems installed on our planes
– autopilot, significant weather detection systems, anti-icing, intrusive traffic detection, among others – will allow exposing students to different environments and complex situations that help to develop the
various skills of a pilot.
This entire fleet was chosen with care and attention to reinforce the commitment to safety, efficiency and quality.